Meditation (or restless mind’s revenge)

Nicholas Petrone
3 min readMay 14, 2020

I want to do it all right now -

lie under the flickering sky and let it fall on me,

ascend to it, let it be me

reach out and grab every corner of the planet come daylight –

a cave I saw on a nature show

where water just falls and falls

into the darkness

and nothing there thinks about me,

none of the strange fishes and stalagmites

ever get their egos bruised.

I want to do it all

live everyone else’s life

in that instant between no thought and concepts that sometimes comes

while meditating in a nonmoving car in an ordinary parking lot waiting for the kids to come home from camp.

I want to feel the whole multicolored universe

enter under my ribcage

and come out my eyes into the darkness

or come blasting forth

as my lids rise gently

to a 1960’s VW Bus

up on an idling truck

ready to be returned to California



Nicholas Petrone

Born Again Transcendentalist. Writing about life, death and everything in between. Editor of Other Doors.