Beyond Description: The Strangest Teacher I Ever Had

Nicholas Petrone
2 min readJan 5, 2018

My ancient history professor was a contemporary of Herodotus,

an anachronism in knock-off Birkenstocks,

a scatterbrained over-analytical astronaut-pagan garden-hippie

so to speak

whose point I missed or deflected until

two years ago when I thought about it

three years after he had begun his new career

as food for the hippie-garden flora

he frequently brought to work

in the form of pollen and petals on his “BORN AGAIN PAGAN” t-shirt –

sometimes it floated arbitrarily onto the lectern

like some sort of lesson in infinite time + probability

landing in unusual patterns

that looked like words

that the Christian Conservative in the second row

took to be a sign from God.

His back was hunched like he had been developing a comprehensive


about floors

for many years.

He used to say things like:



Nicholas Petrone

Born Again Transcendentalist. Writing about life, death and everything in between. Editor of Other Doors.